This was an AWESOME CVS trip this time! I brought home $80 worth of products. In my first transaction, after I used $5 in ECB's (from a previous earning) and my coupons, I paid $12 and change. I also earned a few ECB's to use in my next transaction. I had a coupon emailed to me from CVS for $5 off any $30 purchase. I added these to the coupons that I had and for my 2nd transaction, I only paid $8 and change! Less than $21 for $80 worth of stuff!! AND, again, it's all stuff we use on a regular basis!
I then went to Walmart to get the grocery stuff. I paid a lot more there than the $21 at CVS, but I still saved almost $35 in coupons there.
Saturday is double coupon day at Fred's. I picked up some really good deals with sales and coupons. I got $50 worth of stuff for $30 Not as good as CVS, but still that's $20 more in savings.
That's a grand total of $115 in savings this weekend! I still spent more than I saved overall. But, in Mississippi, you MUST pay tax and the tax is based on your PRE-COUPON total. Sooooooooooooo, there you go!
I'll have to slow down on picking up "stock-pile" stuff for a while. Even if it's free. I only have a few shelves I can use to store this stuff. Those shelves are almost full. If I don't have a place to store it, then I just can't buy it. For example, I'll have to resist the urge to pick up more dish washing liquid just because it's free after coupons or only a few cents. I have all I could use in a reasonable amount of time and just about out of space to store it! So since I WILL NOT be like those people on TV with cereal stored under their beds and BBQ sauce in the the closets with their clothes, I guess I'll have to pass the coupons and the savings on to someone else. :)
I'm also proud to say that I have only bought 1 product just because I had a coupon for it and not because we used it. But, it was a new product that we had never tried before. We have also used similar products in the past and with coupons, I could get them for $2.99 each instead of $7.99. So, I figured it was a GREAT time to try out the product! I've also tried different brands of toilet paper and paper towels, because I had a coupon that would make it cheaper than my "normal" brand. But, that's different. We need that stuff regardless of what brand it is! I haven't bought things that we would never use just because it's cheap - or free!
Right now I'm really on the hunt for those elusive coupons. The ones for stuff we use, but rarely have coupons for! I'm doing some online digging. Maybe I'll luck up!
Happy Couponing!
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