Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A few things that I have stockpiled so much of that I MUST refrain from picking up! (Even if it's free or VERY cheap!)  I just don't have a lot of storage space. So, I have to S-T-O-P! At least for a few weeks..........

*Dishwashing liquid.  I have tons of this.  I use a dishwasher and only need the liquid for prewashing the bad stuff or soaking.  All that I've purchased, I got for tax only or less than .25 cents each.
*Dishwashing detergent.  I have probably 8 weeks worth stocked up right now.  I suppose I'll pick it up if I can get it for less than $1....... We do use a lot of this!
*Axe bodywash, deodorant spray & deodorant. I got a lot of B1G1 free and $1 off coupons for this stuff.  Walmart, at the time, was offering a special packaging where you could get the deodorant and spray together for the price of just the deodorant.  Then I used the $1 off coupon and got both for $2.50 ... that's only $1.25 for each deodorant and each spray!  That's a GREAT deal!!!!  The bodywash was $3.86 and at buy 1 get 1 free - it made it $1.93 each.  I just HAD to go on and use every single coupon I could get my hands on for this!  In about 6 weeks, they'll probably print another one and I'll probably use them again because all 3 of the guys in my house use the stuff.  But, for now ... I don't have to buy any.
*Clean and clear bodywash.  This was another B1G1 free coupon!  I ended up with 12 bottles.  With the coupon, these ended up being $2.49 each.  I'm the only one that uses this ... it'll last for a while. So I don't feel the need to pick any up anytime soon - unless the B1G1 free coupon comes around again!
*Free & Clear laundry detergent.  This was on sale at CVS at B1G1 free and I had 4 $1 off coupons.  This made each bottle $2.49 each.  They are the smaller bottles.  But, Jonathan is the only one that uses this detergent.  He has eczema and needs the free & clear stuff.  I like my clothes to "smell" like something... so I use gain on everything else.  4 bottles should last, only washing his clothes, for a while!
*Toothpaste.  I've lucked up on a few sales that were combined with CVS ECB's ... I took my coupons and got as many as allowed each time they offered it.  We have enough to last us probably the summer.  So, unless I can get it for free, I won't be picking up anymore for a while.

What I WILL pick up more of .... Ivory 3pk bar soap.  I have come across a TON of $1 off coupons. Fred's (and probably walmart) has the 3pk for $1.15.  This means I can get them for .23 cents (with tax).  We do not use ivory soap.  But, I figure those who lost everything in the tornadoes don't really care what brand the soap is. Soap is soap.  So, I'll use as many as I can and donate all of them to tornado victims.

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